For over two decades, a movement, which all along, has stood for ending corruption, for establishing rule of law, and egalitarian values, is known to masses as “Imran Khan.”

The one, who, has emerged as the third alternative force; by revitalizing and liberating national politics of embezzlers, and has lit a new ray of hope under the vision of Naya Pakistan.

Now, thanks to the ongoing reforms, Pakistan is heading in the right direction. The change has taken its toll, and the nation is set on a trajectory of growth; but, the journey is not over.

At this critical juncture, for the sake of Pakistan’s better future, the country demands an everlasting change. Join the movement and be a catalyst of change, reform and nation building. By becoming, as our visionary leader: “I, too, am Imran Khan”

“I’m also Imran Khan”